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Creating and Managing Department Pool Questions

The SRTE tool allows Departments to develop their own bank of questions for use across multiple forms. To create/edit your Department Question Bank:

  1. Under the Setup Evaluations By Department subheading, select the Manage Department Questions link.

    Manage Department Questions Image

  2. To create a new question, select the Create Department Question link from the toolbar.

    Create Department Question Image

  3. Enter a unique Question ID, the Question Text, and select the Question Type. When you have completed these steps, click the Save button to save your new question.

    Create Department Question Content Image

  4. When you have saved your question, you will return to the Department Questions Manager screen. If you click on the Search button, it will show all of the Department Pool questions defined for your Department.

    Create Department Question Completed Image

  5. You may notice, the question mark is missing from the question. At this point you'd simply select the Edit button to go back to edit the question. Remember to click Save again to save your edits.

    Edit Department Question Image

  6. Our question now includes a question mark.


Note: A question is only editable if it hasn't been added to a form. Once it has been added to a form, you will need to remove it from the form to edit it. You can add the question back to the form after you're done editing it. However, if the question has been added to a form that has been administered to a student, the question is permanently locked and cannot be changed. Forms and questions are locked to historically preserve the questions and their responses. If you need to edit the question, you will need to create a new question and add it to a new form.

Hint: Use the Copy Forms feature to quickly create a new form. The copied form is now editable for you to add and delete questions to the "new" form.