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Granting Proxy Access

There are situations where you'll want to share your SRTE results with someone else. You can do this via the Proxy Access tool. Follow these steps to share your results:

  1. Select the "Proxy Access" option from your SRTE My Page.
    Picture of Proxy Access Option

  2. Select the semester from the dropdown.
    Picture of Semester dropdown box
  3. Check the box(es) for the course(s) you want to grant proxy access to.
    Picture of populated data and the Grant Proxy Access box.

  4. Add the proxy's access ID, the length of time for access, and click the "Grant Proxy Access" button.
    Picture of the listed fields for the Grant Proxy Access function.
  5. You will now see that your proxy has access. Access will automatically expire on the end date. If you want to remove it earlier, check the "Revoke" box and then click on the "Revoke Selected" button at the bottom of the viewing area.
    Picture of granted proxy results.

This system is designed for short-term proxy access. You will need to periodically update the end date for those situations where you want to proxy your results long term.